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State of the Art Diagnosis and Therapy of Gastrointestinal Neoplasms with AI Support

Štěpán Suchánek
Research Associate Professor
and Head of Department of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Military University Hospital, Prague

Tomáš Hucl
Research Associate Professor and Deputy Director
for Experimental Hepatogastroenterology
Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague

ESGE Days 2021 – Diagnosis and Endoscopic Therapy of Colon Lesions

Prof. Thierry Ponchon
Prof. Stefan Seewald
Prof. Brian Saunders
Prof. Evelien Dekker
Prof. Mathieu Pioche

Early Detection of Colonic Lesions

Prof. Colin Rees
Dr. Gareth Corbett
Prof. Doherty

Lesion Assesment
Dr. Paul Dunckley
Dr. Noriko Suzuki
Dr. Edward Seward
Dr. Noor Mohammed

Transnasal Endoscopy Course

ESGE Days 2023 – From New Cutting Edge Technologies in Ultrasound to Advancing the Art of Treatment in GI

Endo-update 2023 - ESD with Prof. Yahagi (FlexLifter - clinical video)

ESGE-Days 2024 Symposium - Elevating the Standard of Endoscopy - Novel Ultrasound System and State-of-the-art Techniques