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Trans Cervical Resection in saline (TCRis)

TCRis (Trans Cervical Resection in saline) is a safe and fast way to treat abnormal bleeding by endometrial ablation, or bipolar resection of intracavitary myomas, uterine septa or uterine polyps. By using saline, the risk of hyponatremia is significantly reduced with the TCRis system.

The enhanced hysteroscopic fluid management system HysteroFlow / HysteroBalance II helps to ensure patient safety through fast and accurate pressure control, a visual and acoustic overpressure and perforation alarm, and an exact measurement of in- and outflow.

In contrast to conventional monopolar resection in glycine or sorbitol, which is associated with the known risk of Hyponatraemia, also known as the TUR-syndrome, the introduction of saline solution has contributed to make hystero-resection safer for the patient. Abnormal uterine bleeding can be caused by an unusual thickening of the endometrial lining, polyps or fibroids. The TCRis loop is used to remove the increased endometrial and fibroid tissue by enabling a smooth and fast cut combined with the safety benefits of using saline during the procedure.

Alternatively endometrial ablation or coagulation in the cornual areas can be erformed using the TCRis vaporization electrode, avoiding the need to remove tissue fragments. As the tissue is vaporized and coagulation is provided at the same time, this may prevent significant blood loss as well. Due to the fact that the generation of tissue fragments is avoided, visibility during the procedure is enhanced.